Monday, September 6, 2010

The New High School Sophomore! lol

Hey Everyone! So on August 12th, I started my sophomore year of high school. I was really excited(more about seeing my friends lol). It was so great to see my friends, meet new teachers, and just get a whole new look at the school. It is so amazing to me how easy it is to spot a freshman! (no offence to any freshiess lol) They look so young and you can tell most of them are still growing so it looks kinda awkward lol. Even though I can't talk most people think I'm 12 lol. I remember this lady at a wedding came up to me when i was fourteen, she said "wow, you've gotten so big, how old are you 11!) Now usually, I try to hide when I have an attitude, but this one I couldn't control lol. I'm standing there like "no! I'm fourteen" and my moms looking like "oh my goodness, did she really just say 11?!" Well, so far this school year has been going good for me. Trying to really keep my grades up!(even though chemistry is killing me lol) I really want to do more this year. Last year I was in the fashion show, a musical, I played soccer, and I was in the group called young ladies of elegance, but I didn't really have time because it was all year and there were other things I wanted to do. So enough of me talking and talking lol. How was your first day of school? Did anyone just start middle school, high school, or college!?